Minimally Inhaled Sedation
At Shook Family Dental, our
Eau Claire dentists offer nitrous oxide, also referred to as laughing gas or minimally inhaled sedation. This is the mildest and safest sedative that a patient can receive and is suitable for patients of all ages. This makes it a sedative of choice for children because it is very low-risk and not invasive.
Nitrous oxide is administered through a nasal mask. You will inhale the gas, along with oxygen, through your nose. It is important that you don’t have any respiratory issues and that you can breathe through your nose. Within just a couple of minutes, you will begin to feel the effects.
Patients feel euphoric, relaxed, giddy, and calm when receiving nitrous oxide. This is a conscious form of sedation so patients remain awake and aware of their surroundings. You will be able to respond to instructions or answer questions during the appointment.
However, you may feel very sleepy. If you do fall asleep, a light shake will easily wake you up. It also does not linger in the body so once the nasal mask is removed, it takes just a couple of minutes to return to normal. You will be able to drive home and return to normal activities since it doesn’t cause lingering hangover effects.